Filter Blogs By tag: sofa

Warming UP the Furniture Ranges !

Warming UP the Furniture Ranges !

Write By: admin Published In: Furn House Hits: 1105 Comment: 0

The Heat is here! Summer is banging on our front doors and is demanding to be let in and we at Melbournians furniture whole heartedly agree! It’s time to spruce up your casa and get it summer ready!

Sofa Cum Bed For Exceptional Guests !

Write By: nashid Published In: Furn House Hits: 1256 Comment: 0

Many a time friends and families visit us and we need to arrange extra accommodation for our guests who want to stay overnight. Since now-a-days most of us are living in a compact apartment, so arranging extra beds is not always possible. However, this problem can be resolved if you choose your furniture smartly. Now-a-days many furniture stores sell double duty/multifunctional pieces of furniture which can be of great help to the urban hosts. These are of many kinds, among them some are as follows-


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