Bedframes, Bedside Tables, Dresser, Tallboy all are in Set !

Bedframes, Bedside Tables, Dresser, Tallboy all are in Set !

Write By: nashid Published In: Furn House Created Date: 2016-11-07 Hits: 1345 Comment: 0

Start with Vacuuming:
As dust and dirt cause fabric to wear faster, we recommend vacuuming regularly.Regular vacuuming will keep your sofa feeling and smelling fresh. Eliminating dust will also increase the life of the sofa. When dust travels into the fiber of your sofa, it causes it to wear quicker. So, when you're dusting the rest of your home, don't forget the dust that's hiding in your cushions.


Regular Flip, Fluff and Rotate:
Couch cushions should be turned over every one to two weeks. Turn the cushions weekly on a couch that is used daily. If the couch is not used daily and made of high quality materials, the time can be extended to every two weeks. In addition to turning the cushions over, rotate them to different positions.The benefit is your sofa cushion will not wear out in favourite places.

Don’t Let Stains Set:
While it is impossible to keep spills from happening, it is important to clean them up as soon as they happen. If spills are allowed to sit for too long, they will become a stain. Dried in stains are much harder to clean and can take a professional to remove them in some cases.

Choose Patterned Fabric Rather Than Plain Fabric
You can consider choosing patterned fabric as it will hide damage better than plain fabric. Or opt for a textured fabric. The variation in height and play of light and shadow across the surface will help obscure stains and fading.

Keep It Protected
Consider using arm caps or removable fabrics on head rests, particularly if a member of the family uses hair gel.


Regular Cleaning
Wipe the leather furniture down regularly with a clean, dry cloth.With leather you can fully remove dust particles from the surface which makes it ideal for dust sensitive persons.

Vacuum Cleaning
Using vacuum to clean your leather upholstery is a good idea.

Leather Conditioner
You can use safe leather conditioner to rejuvenate the glow of leather upholstery.

Clean Any Spill Immediately
Though leather furniture is harder to stain than fabric upholstery, spills should still be dealt with as soon as possible to prevent discoloration. First, any excess spillage should be carefully removed before it does further damage. A dry, soft cloth can be used to blot the area.

If the stain remains after you attempt to wipe it away, sprinkle baking soda on the affected area. Baking soda can help draw out the grease. Leave on for a few hours and then gently brush it off with a rag.

Avoid Direct Sunlight:
Avoid placing your furniture in direct sunlight, near windows or under skylights.Leather will fade over time when placed in direct sunlight.

Never Use Harsh Chemicals or Cleaning Agent
Avoid using any harsh chemicals or cleaning agent as it can damage the upholstery.

Preventative Maintenance:
All leathers perform better when preventative maintenance is practiced. For Aniline and Protected leathers, apply Leather Master Protection Cream to the surface of the leather to help resist staining and prevent overall soiling. It is most important that you treat the high use areas like seats, backs, and arms.


Frequent Dusting:
Frequently dust off your furniture using a dry, soft, cotton cloth to maintainthe finish of the wooden furniture. Do not use wet, damp cloth. Avoid cleaning with common household cleaners.

Wipe Up Spills Immediately
The longer a spill sits, the deeper the spill can penetrate. This is why it's important to dry a spill as soon as you notice it.

Read Your Furniture’s Care Instructions:
This goes hand in hand with cleaning spills. Depending on the type of wood used on your furniture, you need to be very careful when cleaning them. By reading the care instructions first, you can save yourself a lot of disappointment later.

Be Careful While Moving Your Furniture:
Do not drag your furniture. Though wooden furniture look strong, but dragging by legs or pulling across the room will cause damage to them. Lifting gently or placing a cloth under the feet will be a better option.

No Alcohol Based Product
Never allow alcohol-based products including some cleaners, nail polish and perfumes to come in contact with your wood furniture. They can dissolve the furniture finish on contact, requiring professional repairs.

Cover When Unused for Long Time
It is a good idea to cover your furniture while you are on a long vacation or in any circumstance when the furniture will not be used for a long time.