Furn House

Easy Gliders Bedside Table

Easy Gliders Bedside Table

Write By: nashid Published In: Furn House Hits: 3399 Comment: 0

Bedside tables, though a small piece of furniture in comparison to other significant furniture of your room like bedframe, tallboy, play an important role to make the room look special. A bedside table is a functional piece where you can keep your alarm clock, photo frame, mobile phone etc. on it and you can also use its drawers as storage space as well. Many stores in Melbourne sell complete bedroom suite. You can buy from them if you do not want to take the hassle of matching all the pieces individually. But if you want to select every piece of furniture separately to add a personal touch in your home, then this article is for you.

Here are some things to consider when choosing a bedside table:

Furniture For All Category !

Write By: admin Published In: Furn House Hits: 1749 Comment: 0

Today, in this fast-paced competitive business world, people spend their most of the time in office. Such a deskbound lifestyle is a direct way to obesity and stress related conditions. Generally people are not aware by the fact that uncomfortable stylish office chairs are the main cause of health issues like back pain, neck pain and stiffness from bad posture.

High Glossy Coffee Table in Melbourne

High Glossy Coffee Table in Melbourne

Write By: nashid Published In: Furn House Hits: 665 Comment: 0

Your selection of coffee table just like the other furniture of your home will speak about your taste. Here are 5 suggestions of top coffee tables for a beautiful and stylish living room in Melbourne.

Real Furniture

Real Furniture

Write By: admin Published In: Furn House Hits: 2033 Comment: 0

Whether you are looking for modern or classic replica furniture, at Melbournians Furniture we are confident that we have the perfect product to meet your practical and design needs. View our range of products online or in store to find the perfect dining solution for you interior.

Reassemble Your House without Emptying Your Pocket

Reassemble Your House without Emptying Your Pocket

Write By: nashid Published In: Furn House Hits: 737 Comment: 0

Who don’t want to decorate their sweet home? Well, almost all of us want to return in a well and comfortably decorated home after a day’s tiring work. But many of us do not advance as we think it would be very expensive to do so. Now, here is the good news for you- decorating a home tastefully, doesn’t have to be a costly choice always. You can now afford aesthetic furniture for your home if you follow few tips given below-


Sofa Cum Bed For Exceptional Guests !

Write By: nashid Published In: Furn House Hits: 1255 Comment: 0

Many a time friends and families visit us and we need to arrange extra accommodation for our guests who want to stay overnight. Since now-a-days most of us are living in a compact apartment, so arranging extra beds is not always possible. However, this problem can be resolved if you choose your furniture smartly. Now-a-days many furniture stores sell double duty/multifunctional pieces of furniture which can be of great help to the urban hosts. These are of many kinds, among them some are as follows-


Showing 7 to 12 of 21 (4 Pages)